Autodesk Training


Have you ever wondered where to go for Autodesk software training? Look no further than Micrographics SA (fondly known as MGFX). A company built over the last 30 years by many exceptional individuals who think about nothing more than taking your skill level to the next level in the Autodesk CAD platform of your choice.

Meet our Technical Team –

Charl van der Merwe has been a member of the MGFX team for 21 years.  He started his journey on AutoCAD R10 at an architectural practice using a daisy wheel pen plotter.  He now splits his time between AutoCAD and Revit, the flagship product for Autodesk.

Paul Storm has been with MGFX for the last 7 years. Paul started his journey a little after Charl on AutoCAD R13.  Like Charl he trains on the Revit platform as well as assisting in getting companies up and running on the Autodersk BIM platform.

Aldred Boyd has been with MGFX just shy of 10 years but in the CAD industry just short of 20 years.  He started his journey on AutoCAD R14 and moved onto Inventor R5.3 when it was released. He has a deep knowledge of Autodesk Vault which is Autodesk’s Data Management software for manufacturing.

Carl van Rooyen has also been with MGFX for 10 years and started his Autodesk journey on Inventor 2008.  He has an intricate knowledge of Autodesk Vault as well as a good understanding of Inventor CAM and Fusion 360 CAM.

Irshad Haniff has been with MGFX for the last 3 years and started his Autodesk journey on AutoCAD 2008 and Inventor 2009.  As with Carl, he has a great understanding of Inventor CAM and Fusion 360 CAM

So what are you waiting for? Start your Autodesk journey with MGFX today.

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Autodesk Training

Revit 2022 Hotfix 1 Breaks Robot Interoperability

Fusion 360 Platform

Inventor 2022 Has Been Released

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